Saturday, July 4, 2009

Favorite Food

We just came from yet another Chinese eating place.

My daughter loves wanton noodle soup. Her favorite eating places are North Park and Luk Yuen, although she will settle for Chowking if need be. At home, we try not to give her the instant noodles, but occasionally give in with the Knorr Chicken Noodle soup, which has to be cooked, rather than submerged in hot water.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The things we remember

It's strange, the things we remember.

I sometimes cannot recall what I did a day ago or worse, what I set out to do a few minutes ago. But I can remember with clarity my Lola's house.

I remember the clay-red tiles on the ground floor balcony, the books in Spanish at the 'library', the kalachuchi flowers that bordered the driveaway as well as the roses. I even remember Patsy, her dog, who we buried in the garden near the gate.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Avian freeloaders

My husband and I were tickled pink when we visited the Ark Avilon Zoo recently.

On the deck of the 'ark', there is a section where 2 african spurred tortoises are exposed to the sun, wind, rain and yes -- birds.

We saw that while the tortoises were munching away at their food, the birds were just as busy feasting on food that belonged to their reptilian brothers, since it was placed within the enclosure.
