Sunday, September 6, 2009

When she was five

My daughter turned six just this month. I am amazed by her development, this little being who seems to be me and not me and more herself every year. So, before she gets any older, I would like to keep these memories intact by writing them down.

When she was five…
  • she’d move her chair from the head of the table to the side, where I sat, just so she could be close to me when we ate breakfast.

  • she loved hiding the remote control from her Dad; it was a game between them.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Family Day

Last August 15, we attended the annual Family Day at our kid's school. We were there at 7:30 a.m. and the first order of the day was the general assembly for the parents. It started at 9:30 a.m. or thereabouts. It took less than the waiting time and the subsequent games, even less.

It's probably unfair to compare but the only experience I can cite is that in my kid's former school. This was a smaller school, definitely, and maybe that's why it was better organized (but I still think this isn't an excuse).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The food we don't eat

Last August 7, I attended an assembly in a hotel where we were served snacks. It was impressive. We had a choice of about five food varieties on our plate - a combination of bread and pastries.

I managed to finish what was on my plate because lunch had been a sandwich, finished hastily to get to the assembly on time. But the many others who had a full lunch had a lot of leftovers.
