Wednesday, January 13, 2010

On her own

Last December, my six-year-old daughter received a very nice door sign - you know, the one you usually find in hotels that are attached to the door knob, saying something like "Do not disturb" or "Please clean room"?

Well, hers was different because it was wooden and had a provision for a pen and a memo pad.  I thought that would be the first and last time I'd see it until I came home one day and saw it hanging on our bedroom door.  On it, she wrote:  "Keep out.  Only Mommy and Daddy can enter."  

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What's with the tabo???

When a new group moved into our floor, the first thing that struck us was how different they were from us.

There were a lot of females, and they seemed to go to the toilet and the pantry in groups. They were a noisy lot too. It seemed normal for them to be conversing while inside the urinal too.

I learned to put up with the noise, the mess in the pantry and generally avoided the lunchtime crowd that gathered there to get water or heat their food. But what I could not avoid was the tabo.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Not your usual hats

My colleagues and I had fun dressing up a simple abaca hat, as 'required' during our Christmas Party. I was amazed by the creativity displayed by everyone who joined.
