I do not think I can keep this up.
I read more and more posts about health
personnel contracting the virus, the infected dying alone, priests who want to
minister the last rites but cannot, the lack of face masks and personal
protective equipment for those in the frontlines…
I see the number of COVID-related cases climb,
knowing this is not even accurate since there is no mass testing.
I see people ignoring the call for social or
physical distancing, still milling around in public areas and forcing
government to send more men to implement curfews and other quarantine guidelines.
I read about government leaders demanding that
they and their families be tested for COVID-19 before those who display the
symptoms of having contracted the virus.
I wait for the President to come out on TV
after having been granted emergency powers in the hope he finally says
something concrete about what he intends to do with it. He says “thank you” and … nothing else, which
is probably why local government units and agencies are once again scrambling to push for their needs and maximize the granting of those
emergency powers.
The lack of direction is disheartening and depressing.
I will tune out for a while and feed my soul – whether it’s with a book, a
movie or continued conversations with family – all within
the confines of home.
I am beginning to highlight what’s wrong at the
expense of what’s right. There are many stories of good prospering through the efforts of some enlightened
and active government leaders; there are many acts of volunteerism and goodwill
from all sectors of society. I must not forget that.
So I will step back, but I will continue
praying that health workers be protected, that the infected get well and that
the poor be given timely and sustained aid and provisions and that everyone will
do their part and stay home for the duration of the lockdown.
And yes, I will also be selfish and pray for
myself, my family and the people I know and love, and thank God that He
continues to protect us.
I hope you do, too.
By Kerry Weber, executive editor of America
Christ, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and
illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the
midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your
healing love.
those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health
through quality medical care.
us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors
from helping one another.
us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that
knows no borders.
Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow.
with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your
eternal peace.
Be with the families of those who are sick or
have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May
they know your peace.
Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and
all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put
themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace.
Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them
the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the
people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term
solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks. May they know
your peace, as they work together to achieve it on earth.
Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by
many people suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with
us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give
us your peace.
Jesus Christ, heal us.
update: As of this writing, the Philippines has reported 636 confirmed corona
virus cases, including 26 recoveries and 38 deaths.